ECU Health Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center – Our Services

The East Carolina University Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center is one of the largest centers in the United States. Through decades of participation in research and education opportunities, we have contributed immensely to better understanding and advancing treatment of this condition. We pride ourselves in knowing that our contributions have changed the lives of individuals living with this disease. In the 1980’s Sickle Cell Disease was a deadly childhood condition, NOW individuals are surviving to adulthood, although the disease burden remains significant.
East Carolina University Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center’s patients and their families are the center’s backbone; their strength, resilience, optimism, and grace teach us important life lessons every day. Individuals living with Sickle Cell Disease are more than their diagnosis. They have hopes, dreams and experience daily joys and challenges. They aspire to excel in school, sports, and in their careers. The goal of this center is to be part of these daily and lifelong journeys while promoting empowerment and self-advocacy until a definitive cure is discovered.

What we offer:

  • Comprehensive exams
  • Follow-up visits for ongoing bleeding disorder complications
  • Education
  • Contact with local healthcare providers and hospitals
  • Blood tests and x-rays
  • Financial and/or emotional counseling
  • Help coordinating genetic counseling
  • Physical therapy and interventions, including musculoskeletal exams, aquatic therapy and child life support for patients and their family.