Infectious Diseases and International Travel Health – International Travel Clinic

Travel to some countries can put a traveler at risk of diseases. Before visiting countries where mosquito control, water and sewer systems, and general hygiene differ from those in the United States, it is wise to take some precautionary measures.

Providers in our International Travelers Clinic will evaluate the country-specific health risks, prescribe medications, and administer immunizations to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, your safe travel abroad. Utilizing the most up to date resources, we match prevention with your destination country or region.

The clinic is a North Carolina State Department of Health-designated center for the FDA-approved yellow fever vaccine.

View a letter for prospective travelers (PDF)

During Your Visit

Services provided in the travel clinic include (but not limited to):

  • Immunizations for vaccine preventable diseases
  • Medication for prevention of malaria, as appropriate for the planned itinerary
  • Counseling regarding specific measures for prevention of insect-borne diseases, food and water borne disease; medications for travelers’ diarrhea, motion sickness, and altitude sickness, if necessary
  • Advice regarding health related risks and prevention for the planned itinerary
  • Post travel evaluation

Scheduling an Appointment

We recommend calling for an appointment 6-8 weeks in advance of departure, whenever possible. When this is not possible, we will attempt to meet the travelers’ needs. Travelers are advised to bring vaccination records to the clinic visit.